How Can I Show My Support for eGardenGo?
As a paying member of GardenGo, you'll play an integral role in ensuring that fresh content is continually added to the site and that ongoing development occurs to make the site fast, easy, and fun to use.
Would you like to learn more about how you can show your support with a monthly pledge?
Become a Member of eGardenGo
Appreciate the site, but not ready to commit to a monthly contribution? Any amount is extremely valuable and helps to keep the site up to date.
Make a One Time Contribution
Whether or not becoming a paying subscriber feels right for you, know that I value you as a member of our community of gardeners. And no matter what, I plan to keep the great content coming!

Let's Grow Together!

How to use the filters to hone in on the best plants for YOUR garden.
This video will walk you through an example of using the filters to find plants that will attract pollinators to your garden. Whatever you're filtering for, narrowing the results of your search is a useful way to arrive at the best choices for your particular growing conditions and the desires you have for your garden.
It's most important is to narrow the choices based on your zone and the growing conditions of your site and then build on that.
Will eGardenGo work for my growing zone?
Our founder gardens in the Pacific Northwest, so a lot of the initial plant combos will be from that region, though not exclusively. As we move forward, we'll be adding more plants to the app on a daily basis from different growing zones around the country, and the offerings will get progressively broader and deeper.
Not sure what zone you're in? Follow the link below, enter your zip code and a handy little tool will help tell you what zone you're in!
I can't find a particular plant...
Try looking for something similar, or widen your search (see "How can I get the most out of eGardenGo, below, for an example). And check back often -- we'll be adding more plants and combos just as fast as we can, on an almost daily basis. Or, subscribe to our email list for regular updates (don't worry, we won't spam you).
This blog post expands on this topic and provides some practical advice on how to identify similar plants:
4 Tips for Choosing Substitutes for Plant Combo Recipes
NEW FIELD! We're in-process of populating a new field called "Suitable Substitutes" which will be used to link to specific plant recommendations that would be interchangeable. You can see an example of it here: Echinacea 'Merlot'
How do you decide which plants to include on the site?
Since the overarching premise of our site is skewed towards providing ideas and inspiration for planting combinations, individual plants are added to the site only as they’re included in at least one plant combo. Is there a plant that you’d like get combo ideas for that we don’t have on the site yet? Drop me a note and I’ll do my best to get it fast-tracked for inclusion.
Send an Email to DarcyWhat's the best way to use eGardenGo?
Have fun with it! No matter what your skill level, we hope you'll find eGardenGo a constant source of inspiration and guidance. Of course, as with any tool like this, you'll need to adjust for your own personal circumstances and taste. But eGardengo is built on sound design principles and we hope that the plant combos will serve as a launching point for your own gardening successes. Let us know how you use them, and how they worked out for you!
Member Report August 2023
TL;DR: Your Support Keeps eGardenGo Healthy & Growing!
August 8, 2023
Dear Members, past, present and prospective,
Periodically I like to give an update on how I've been using your contributions to enhance the eGardenGo site.
Recent Updates Make it Easier for Me to Create and Edit Plants and Combos
Your financial support of eGardenGo is invaluable and highly appreciated. Your support has allowed me to invest in changes to the site that should make it a better and more rewarding experience for users like you.
While I take charge of all the content and creative aspects of eGardenGo, there are certain things I must rely on others to handle. Apart from the monthly hosting costs, the platform that powers the site has to be updated regularly to keep the site running smoothly. Naturally, the cost of this ongoing maintenance is not insignificant.
Recently, I collaborated with my team of developers to wrap up a round of site improvements and updates. Some of these updates are, well, boring—I'm looking at you, security updates!—but they are critical. Others, however, should make the eGardenGo experience even better for you.
Changes in this recent round of improvements have made it sooooo much easier for me to create, edit, and improve upon the plant combinations and plant information on eGardenGo—and that should translate into a more rewarding experience for you as well.
Improvements We Made to the eGardenGo Site
The net result of these changes is that it easier for me to create, edit, and improve upon the plant combinations and plant information on eGardenGo.
Building More Beautiful, Resilient, and Eco-Friendly Gardens
I'm especially keen to step up my efforts to provide inspiration and ideas to help users create ecologically/culturally-sound gardens that are still aesthetically pleasing. I want to greatly expand the drought- and heat-tolerant planting schemes on the site.
My desire is to help gardeners like you surround yourselves in natural beauty to soothe and comfort your soul, while also meeting the challenges of our changing climate.
Your Membership Matters
I’ve been consistently gratified over the years to hear from gardeners and designers who love the site and find it helpful. You should give yourself a pat on the back for that, because it wouldn't exist without your support.
Lots of people tell me they can’t believe the site is available for free. I've been delighted that so many of them, like you, have cared enough about it to support it financially. I'm deeply grateful for your support, because it has been and will be crucial to keeping the site going.
Being an eGardenGo member is a bit like backing National Public Radio (NPR), where the real motivation isn't about receiving a tote bag (though there's nothing wrong with wanting some swag!). Instead, you do it because you believe in it, and you would like it to be available to all.
Especially in these turbulent times, I've come to realize the profound significance of spending time outdoors amidst plants, soil, and the ever-changing weather. It's a vital source of mental and physical well-being, and you've played a big role in helping me share that joy with fellow gardeners through eGardenGo.
Whether you're currently an active member or have supported eGardenGo in the past, your contribution has made it possible to share exceptional plant combinations and valuable garden-making tips with thousands of PNW gardeners on a regular basis.
Thank you.
🌿 Garden On, My Friends! 🌿
In gratitude,